Old Mutual investment funds for SA residents include their new ‘Elite’ range of funds from Fairbairn Capital; a simpler, more focused way to invest money. Their team of experts have applied rigorous research and analysis to offer access to around 40 of the finest funds available. Investors with a minimum of R100,000 to invest get to choose a portfolio of funds that suit their specific needs the best.
With Old Mutual investment funds in SA they update people regularly on the performance and financial advisers assess whether a portfolio should be adjusted to meet the clients specific investment goals. The investor then has the choice of switching between funds as and when they please at no additional costs. To invest in the Elite range or to find out more about the products available be sure to speak to your financial advisor or a broker.
Basically it is focus with flexibility. There are many options and opportunities for people to invest their money in around South Africa but not all of them are as professional, flexible and as trustworthy as the Old Mutual Investment funds are.