Some simple money saving tips prove to really help some people, and you don’t even have to go to drastic measures to save. The first mistake people make is choosing to bank with the first bank they come across. What you have to do if you want to save cash is choose a bank that respects you and your funds. If you have heating services (under the floor, in the swimming pool, etc) have them cancelled in summer. It is too hot during the summer months to have a heated swim. When you go grocery shopping, make a list before you leave home and stick to the list. Electricity is a problem in South Africa; the costs just keep soaring, so you have to do what you can to keep your electricity bill down.
Switching off the TV when no one is watching, using a gas stove and switching off lights behind you are some simple money saving tips and ideas that are sure to make a difference. Advice is needed in this department because we need to save money wherever we can with the credit crunch we are facing today. The credit crunch might not be such a bad thing after all as it makes it more difficult for you to acquire loans (loans equal debt). Investing in something valuable when you have some extra cash is always a good idea, as then you could receive money back from your investment when you least expect it. But the best advice when you need to save cash is to be wise when it comes to grocery shopping, if you don’t need it, don’t buy it. The same with the heating plans you have, cancel them altogether if you can, they are unnecessary.
If you really can’t afford it, stay away from investing; rather wait until you have some extra money at hand. These are just a few of the ideas you have, there are many more when you are looking for some simple money saving tips.